Senior Research Fellow, French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS)
Senior Research Fellow at the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS, UMR CITERES, Tours), Research Associate at IFPO (Institut Français du Proche-Orient), Amman (Jordan), associate member of the Sciences and Technologies Studies Laboratory of the University of Lausanne. Qualification for a position as an assistant professor in a French University, by the French Ministry of Research and Education (Conseil National des Universités), section 72. 'Epistemology and History of Science'. Vice-president of the French Society for the Study of Middle-East and Muslim Worlds (SEMOMM).
Research interests
Food studies - Environmental history - Science and technology studies - Digital humanities
I am interested in the links between food systems, technical innovations and heritage. My research focuses on the history of the modernization of the dairy industry and the government of dairy microbes in Europe (France, Switzerland) and the Middle-East (Jordan, Turkey) since the 1950s.
I previously worked on the history of zoological taxonomy, the genealogy of the concepts of ecosystem services and "responsible research and innovation", as well as on citizen sciences and participatory research.
In addition to classical qualitative methods of the social sciences (interviews, participant observation, archive mining), I use approaches from digital humanities, such as web scrapping, descriptive statistics, social network analysis, computational textual analysis and scientometrics (with e.g. softwares R, Gephi, Sci2, VOSviewer, HistCite, CorText Manager, Iramuteq).
Peer-reviewed publications
Tancoigne E., J.-P. Corbellini, G. Deletraz, L. Gayraud, S. Ollinger et D. Valéro, 2022, "Un mot pour un autre ? Analyse et comparaison de huit plateformes de transcription automatique", Bulletin of Sociological Methodology/Bulletin de Méthodologie Sociologique. 155(1):45-81, 109-2 [publisher website (open access)][PDF on Serval]
On dairy industries and dairy microbes :
Tancoigne E., 2021, "Producing Knowledge in the Alps. Collaborative Research in Dairy Microbiology, 1960–Present", Journal of Alpine Research | Revue de géographie alpine, 109-2 [publisher website (open access)][PDF on Serval]
Tancoigne E., 2021, « Towards a science history of Jordan’s dairy industries. The example of jameed », Les carnets de l’Ifpo. La recherche en train de se faire à l’Institut français du Proche-Orient [publisher website (open access)][PDF on Serval]
Tancoigne E., 2021, « Régimes de sélection microbienne. Le cas du microbe laitier (France, 1970-1999) », Revue d'Anthropologie des Connaissances, n°15/3 [publisher website (open access)][PDF on Serval]
On citizen sciences and participatory approaches:
Baudry J., E. Tancoigne et B.J. Strasser, 2021, « Turning crowds into communities: The collectives of online citizen science », Social Studies of Science [publisher website (open access)][PDF on Serval]
Macq H., E. Tancoigne and B.J. Strasser, 2020, « From Deliberation to Production. Public Participation in Science and Technology Policies of the European Commission (1998-2019) », Minerva [publisher website][PDF on researchgate]
Tancoigne E., 2019, « Invisible brokers: “Citizen Science” on Twitter », JCOM, 18, 6 : A05 [publisher website (open access)][PDF on researchgate]
Tancoigne E. and J. Baudry, 2019, « Stars in their eyes? Making sense of public involvement in the citizen science project SETI@home », Réseaux, n° 214-215, 2 : 109‑140 (French version: « La tête dans les étoiles ? Faire sens de l’engagement dans le projet de science participative SETI@home »). [EN : publisher website - PDF on researchgate] - [FR : site de la revue - PDF sur researchgate]
Strasser B.J., J. Baudry, D. Mahr, G. Sanchez and E. Tancoigne, 2019, « “Citizen Science”? Rethinking Science and Public Participation », Science & Technology Studies, 32, 2 : 52‑76 [publisher website][PDF on researchgate]
On responsible research and innovation:
Randles, S., E. Tancoigne and P.-B. Joly, 2022, « Two tribes or more? The historical emergence of discourse coalitions of responsible research and innovation (rri) and Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) », Journal of Responsible Innovation [publisher website (open access)][PDF on Serval]
Christensen M.V., M. Nieminen, M. Altenhofer, E. Tancoigne, N. Mejlgaard, E. Griessler et A. Filacek, 2020, « What’s in a name? Perceptions and promotion of responsible research and innovation practices across Europe », Science and Public Policy [publisher website][PDF on researchgate]
see also Macq H., E. Tancoigne and B.J. Strasser, 2020 (mentioned above)
Tancoigne E., S. Randles and P.-B. Joly, 2016, « Evolution of a concept: a scientometric analysis of RRI » in Navigating Towards Shared Responsibility in Research and Innovation. Approach, Process and Results of the Res-AGorA Project. 39‑46. ResAGorA [publisher website][PDF on researchgate]
On ecosystem services:
Tancoigne E., M. Barbier, J.-P. Cointet and G. Richard, 2014, « The place of agricultural sciences in the literature on ecosystem services », Ecosystem Services, 10 : 35‑48 [publisher website][PDF on HAL]
Lescourret F., D. Magda, G. Richard, A.-F. Adam-Blondon, M. Bardy, J. Baudry, I. Doussan, B. Dumont, F. Lefèvre, I. Litrico, R. Martin-Clouaire, B. Montuelle, S. Pellerin, M. Plantegenest, E. Tancoigne, A. Thomas, H. Guyomard and J.-F. Soussana, 2015, « A social–ecological approach to managing multiple agro-ecosystem services », Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 14 : 68‑75 [publisher website][PDF on HAL]
On zoological taxonomy:
Tancoigne E. and G. Ollivier, 2017, « Evaluating the progress and needs of taxonomy since the Convention on Biological Diversity: going beyond the rate of species description », Australian Systematic Botany, 30, 4 : 326‑336 [publisher website][PDF on HAL]
Tancoigne E. and A. Dubois, 2013, « Taxonomy: no decline, but inertia », Cladistics, 29, 5 : 567‑570 [publisher website][PDF on researchgate]
Tancoigne E., C. Bole, A. Sigogneau and A. Dubois, 2011, « Insights from Zootaxa on potential trends in zoological taxonomy », Frontiers in zoology, 8 [publisher website][PDF on HAL]
Tancoigne E., 2011, « Evaluer la santé de la taxonomie zoologique : histoire, méthodes et enjeux contemporains ». PhD thesis, National Museum of Natural History [download on HAL]
Reports and book reviews
Tancoigne E., J.-P. Corbellini, G. Deletraz, L. Gayraud, S. Ollinger and D. Valéro, 2020, La transcription automatique : un rêve enfin accessible ? : Analyse et comparaison d’outils pour les SHS. Nouvelle méthodologie et résultats, MATE-SHS, 78pp. [download PDF]
Charvolin F., P. Grillas, L. Marion, A. Millon, F. Moutou, E. Tancoigne and A. Treillard, 2018, Les espèces exotiques envahissantes et leur gestion. LPO - Conseil scientifique et technique, 58pp. [PDF on researchgate]
Tancoigne E., 2014, « Cyrille Baudouin & Olivier Brosseau, Enquête sur les créationnismes. Réseaux, stratégies et objectifs politiques », Revue d’anthropologie des connaissances, 8, 2.
Tancoigne E. and G. Ollivier, 2014, Évaluer les capacités de la taxonomie : une pratique révélatrice de son inscription scientifique et politique. Rapport d’étude pour l’ANR ExpéBiodiv. Avignon, France, Inra, 77pp. [PDF on researchgate]
Richard G., A.-F. Adam-Blondon, I. Litrico, M. Bardy, F. Lescourret, S. Pellerin, F. Lefèvre, B. Montuelle, R. Martin-Clouaire, B. Dumont, C. Ducrot, J. Baudry, D. Magda, I. Doussan, A. Thomas, M. Plantegenest and É. Tancoigne, 2013, Métaprogramme EcoServ: proposition de cahier des charges. France, INRA.
Tancoigne E., M. Barbier, J.-P. Cointet and G. Richard, 2013, Les services écosystémiques dans la littérature scientifique : démarche d’exploration et résultats d’analyse. Paris, France, Inra, 69pp. [download the PDF]
Dissemination of knowledge
2022. « Bactéris is back ». Interview by Julien Claudel, « Jour de Fête » - La revue qui met tout le monde à table.
2022. « Et si les bactéries avaient leur histoire ? ». Interview by Emmanuelle Picaud, Sciences Humaines
2020. Quand les bactéries font tout un fromage. Interview by Sarah Sermondadaz, Heidi.News
Oral presentations
2022. Restitution and discussion of the results of the research project on milk kefir to the participants. Online, Oct. 18
2020. Pizza, Philosophy and Science: La vie secrète des fromages. Event of the think-tank Reatch, Geneva, September 17.
2018. Ferments et lait cru : histoire d’une réappropriation, intervention at the request of the Ain Departmental Association for the Development of Agricultural and Rural Employment (ADDEAR), for an audience of cheese makers, Nov. 28.
Blog posts and magazines
2020. Performing Expertise in Times of Pandemic: Strengthening the Expert-Lay Divide. A comparison between Sweden and Jordan (avec Noël M). STS&crisis, Issue 1: "Pandemic".
2020. Jordan’s Response to the Coronavirus Pandemic. Cambridge Core Blog
2019. La flore du fromage dans tous ses états. EXPERT:ISE
2018. Quoi de neuf dans le vaste monde du bénévolat scientifique ?
2017. Four things Twitter tells us about “Citizen Science” (and 1,000 things it doesn’t).
2016. Mapping the literature.
2014 (with Randles S, Joly P-B). Research governance: how the concept of RRI is slowly maturing. Euroscientist
Project management
2022. PI of the collaborative and interdisciplinary research project "Milk Kefir: discourses, knowledge and microbial diversity of a "superfood"". Research design, coordination with partners, supervision of an assistant.
2022. President of the Association du Corps Intermédiaire de l'Université de Lausanne (ACIDUL).
2021-2022. Survey on private funding sources for UNIL doctoral and post-doctoral research fellows in partnership with the Research Service and the Graduate Campus. Realization of a questionnaire, analysis, presentation of the results to the "Commission de la Relève".
2019-2021. Coordination of a project to compare automatic translation platforms for social science research. Launching, coordination, benchmark. Collective writing of a report and presentation of the results.
Organization of seminars
2021. Seminar "Chaînes opératoires lactées. Questionner des catégories et penser la domestication microbienne", MNHN, Oct. 4. With Sandrine Ruhlmann.
2017-2020, R lunchs, mensual seminar at the University of Geneva. Launch, planning, facilitation. With Dorotea Hug-Peter (2016), Victorine Castex (2017-2018), Xavier Adam (2018-2020). About 130 members
2017-2018, TeDis, mensual seminar at the University of Geneva. Interdisciplinary seminar on textual analysis for the social sciences. Launch, planning, facilitation. With Giorgina Cerutti Benitez. About 30 members
2017, 18h. University of Geneva. Introduction aux méthodes de recherche en « Digital Humanities ». Research seminar. Planning. With Radu Suciu, Bruno Strasser, Jérôme Baudry. About 40 members
2009, 2 days, National Museum of Natural History, Paris. 15e congrès annuel des étudiants-chercheurs du Muséum, Paris. L’imprévu dans la recherche. Entre bonnes et mauvaises surprises. Launch, coordination, planning, search for funding.
I have had the opportunity to teach a multidisciplinary audience (biologists, historians, sociologists, anthropologists, geographers...) of very different levels (kindergarteners, high school teachers, doctoral students, master's students...). I developped different teaching formats (guided tours, workshops, lectures, tutorials). I also had the opportunity to supervise and evaluate research works.
DIGITAL HUMANITIES | For master & PhD students
2021 (4h), University of Lausanne. Atelier de transcription automatique. Ecole doctorale Etudes numériques. With Sandrine Ollinger (linguist).
2017-2020, University of Geneva, University of Lausanne. Occasional interventions in different workshops (PhD and master's students).
2017 (4h), University of Geneva. Analyzing historical data with Iramuteq. Workshop for doctoral students in history. With Jérôme Baudry (historian).
2016 (18h), University of Paris-Est-Marne-la-Vallée, Créteil . Collecter et analyser les données du Web. Master in sociology of digital worlds. With Constance de Quatrebarbes (developer).
2011 (3 days), National Museum of Natural History, Paris. Outils de gestion bibliographique et affiliés : bases de données, logiciels, indicateurs d’évaluation. Doctoral Program. With Julie Marin.
2011 (3h), course within the framework of the computer and internet certificate (C2I) of the Museum of Natural History, Paris. Ressource B2. Méthodologie documentaire, recherche, évaluation et référencement. With Adèle Corvez.
Invited presentations & lectures (workshops, seminars & summer schools in Digital humanities)
2022. Retranscription automatique d'entretiens : un rêve enfin accessible ? Methods Lab seminar; University of Lausanne, Switzerland, February 22
2020. La transcription automatique, un rêve enfin accessible ? Tuto@Mate; 4 juin, online.
2019. Définir les contours d’un objet scientométrique : cas d’études. Workshop Ecolurbs; University of Lausanne, Switzerland, June 25.
2019. Collecting Twitter data with R. R-ladies; University of Lausanne, Switzerland, April 16.
2018. Les services écosystémiques dans la littérature scientifique. Utiliser Cortext pour faire de la programmation scientifique. UNIL summerschool; University of Lausanne, Switzerland, Sept. 12.
2017. Une source, des disciplines. Doctoral Program « Les sciences sociales au Muséum »; MNHN, France, Sept. 2.
2017. Twitter for social sciences. On Twitter, R, and their limits. Invited talk in a master course on Digital tools for social sciences; University of Geneva, Switzerland, Oct. 23.
2017. Dealing with born-digital primary sources. DH summer school for historians; University of Lausanne, Switzerland, June 22.
2017 (with Jérôme Baudry). Iramuteq for social sciences. Lessons learned from studying online profiles. Séminaire TeDis; University of Geneva, Switzerland, April 12.
2017. Collecter des données Twitter avec R. R lunchs; University of Geneva, Switzerland, Feb. 7.
2018 (2 days), Ain Departmental Association for the Development of Agricultural and Rural Employment (ADDEAR). Training Des ferments pour ensemencer ses fromages. With Christian Foilleret (independent consultant in cheese technologies).
METHODS AND CONCEPTS OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY | For master students, teachers, children
2010 (36h), National Museum of Natural History, Paris. Comprendre la démarche de Darwin dans la Grande Galerie de l’Évolution. Conferences for secondary school teachers.
2010 (24h), National Museum of Natural History, Paris. La science au temps de Louis XIV. Classes and workshops for 3-6 y.o. children.
2010 (74h), National Museum of Natural History, Paris. Writing and online publishing of biology content for educational purposes on the Moodle platform.
2009 (120h), National Museum of Natural History, Paris. Writing content for a biodiversity exhibition in the Gallery of Evolution: De la diversité biologique à la biodiversité : d’une notion scientifique à un concept socio-politique. All audiences.
As co-organizer
2021. Shaneeneh, machyd, buttermilk, babeurre ? La transformation toute en nuances de blanc du Jameed (Jordanie). Seminar "Chaînes opératoires lactées. Questionner des catégories et penser la domestication microbienne", MNHN, Paris, Oct. 4.
Invited talks
2024. From skin to stainless steel: distinct innovation pathways in the traditional Jordanian dairy sector. Project "Prisme" final workshop, University of Lausanne, Sept. 26.
2024. Governing Food Microbes in Jordan: a Middle-Eastern Focus on Human-Microbes Relationships. Workshop "Expertise, Scientific Authority and Governance in the Age of the Anthropocene", University of Geneva, Sept. 2.
2023. Sciences participatives et fermentations alimentaires : construction d'un objet de recherche interdisciplinaire. Seminar of the research unit "PACTE", University of Grenoble, Nov. 8.
2023. Étude des pratiques de fermentation. Seminar of the project "SPAAM", Moulin de la Forge,Oct. 9.
2022. Gérer les ressources microbiennes laitières. Seminar "Gestion des ressources naturelles", University of Lausanne, Déc. 20.
2022. Relocalizing microbes. Food microbiology and the making of autochtonous dairy starter cultures. A study day on "Dairy (as) Science and Technology", University of Fribourg, Oct. 26.
2022. Fromages en boîtes. qu’est-ce que la scientométrie apporte à l’histoire de la microbiologie laitière ? Seminar "Marchés et régulations pharmaceutiques à l'épreuve de l'antibiorésistance", ANR AMAGRI. Online, June 2.
2022. Kéfir de lait : discours, savoirs et diversité microbienne d'un "super-aliment". Seminar "Bouillon d'idées", University of Lausanne, May 9.
2021. Gérer les ressources microbiennes laitières. Seminar "Gestion des ressources naturelles", University of Lausanne, December 7.
2021. Collecter pour sauvegarder. Construction différenciée de deux patrimoines microbiens fromagers en Suisse et en France, 1970-2010. Seminar "Collections vivantes", MNHN, Paris, November 18.
2021. Connaissance des microbes et de la fermentation dans le développement durable : table ronde. Forum "Nos vies microbiennes : un forum contre l’éradication", IEA. Online, May 27.
2021. Recent transformations of a traditional dairy industry. The case of Jameed (Jordan). IFPO seminar. IFPO, Jordan, May 17.
2021. Patrimoines microbiens. Domestiquer et gouverner le microbe laitier, 1970-aujourd’hui. Seminar of the research group "Humanités Environnementales" of the University of Lausanne. Online, March 31.
2021. Fromages en boîtes. qu’est-ce que la scientométrie apporte à l’histoire de la microbiologie laitière ? Seminar "Sciences Sociales Computationnelles" of the LISIS lab, Gustave Eiffel University. Online, March 22.
2021. La fabrique du microbe patrimonial. Requalifications et alliances autour du microbe laitier, 1970-aujourd’hui. Seminar of the Laboratory "Écologie, Systématique, Évolution", Orsay University. Online, February 19.
2021. La fabrique du microbe patrimonial. Requalifications et alliances autour du microbe laitier, 1970-aujourd’hui. Séminar of the Laboratory "Eco-Anthropologie", MNHN. Online, February 4.
2020. Produire du savoir en contexte alpin. Recherches collaboratives en microbiologie laitière, 1960-aujourd’hui. Workshop Lisis Les recherches participatives face à l’institutionalisation; Inrae, Marne-la-Vallée, France, September 30.
2020. La fabrique des ferments de terroir : France-Suisse, années 70-aujourd’hui. Seminar of the LESSEM; Inrae, Grenoble, France, January 21.
2019. La fabrique des ferments de terroir : France-Suisse, années 70-aujourd’hui. Seminar of the Laboratoire d’Études Rurales; University of Lyon, France, November 29.
2018. Tasting Like a Cheese: Lactic Ferments, Cheese Specificity, and the Making of the Dairy Industry. Egenis Seminar; University of Exeter, UK, October 8.
2018. Participatory sciences: science in society or society in science? Round table, ESOF annual meeting; Toulouse, France, July 12.
2018. Agronomes, écologues, paysans : une histoire des relations entre recherche et agriculture. Green Talks Carl Vogt; University of Geneva, Switzerland, May 29.
2017 (with Baudry J.). « Citizen science » ? Foules en ligne et production des savoirs. Ifris annual meeting; Marseille, France, June 12.
2023. Back to the Future: Designing the Microbial Terroir of French and Swiss Cheeses since the 70s. Poster, FACE Scientific conference; Fribourg, Suisse, 11-13 Oct.
2021. Relocalizing microbes. Food microbiology and the making of autochtonous dairy starter cultures. Seminar "Microbes and Microbiology: towards new stories?", CNRS-Exeter University. Online, June 15.
2021. The making of dairy microbes as heritage (France-Switzerland, 1960-today). HSSuisse conference. Online, June 7.
2019. The making of terroir starter cultures, France-Switzerland, 1970-today. Forum Origin, Diversity, Territories; University of Lausanne, Switzerland, April 12.
2016. Who are the citizens in citizen science? Public participation in distributed computing. 4S/EASST; Barcelona, Spain, Sept. 3.
2015. Intégration institutionnelle de la critique : quel rôle des sciences humaines et sociales? 83e Congrès de l’ACFAS; Rimouski, Canada, May 25.
2014. What do the “responsible research” and “responsible innovation” labels stand for? A scientometric analysis. EU-SPRI; Manchester, UK, June 10.
2014. The genealogy of the « Responsible Research and Innovation » concept: insights from a textual analysis. EASST; Torun, Poland, Sept. 17.
2012. The general disquiet on taxonomy’s health: a result of the biodiversity crisis? 12th EASA Biennial Conference (European Association of Social Anthropologists); Nanterre, France, July 10.